Qin J, Gong DW, Wang XS, Liao GX, Xu Q, Pustc (2000) 'The auto-fire-detection and auto-putting-out system.' (Ieee: New York) 3708-3712
Web link:
single-chip-processor, fire-detection, auto-position, auto-putting-out,
Abstract: This system uses Single-Chip-Processor as kernel component and integrates auto-fire-detection, fire-position, fire-alert and auto-putting-out functions. In the flame recognition and position, we use two ultraviolet sensors, which have very good anti-interference capability, and can determine flame location more precisely, This system also features two levels of fire alert with high flexibility, The fire-putting-out part uses a spurt gun, which is controlled by an electromagnetic valve. Many fire-extinguishing chemicals, including water, can be used by the system. And, to control the sensors and the spurt gun more precisely, these components are all driven by stepper motors.