Yang LZ, Zhou XD, Wang QA, Fan WC (2001) The effect of additives on the detonation hazard of some hydrocarbon-air mixtures. Process Safety Progress 20(4), 227-230. [In English]
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Abstract: Hazards caused by detonation of hyrdrocarbon-air mixtures are a continuing problem, Of the factors affecting detonation hazards of hydrocarbon-air mixtures, additives play an important role. In this paper, a series of experiments are described addressing the influence of chemical additives on the detonation of some hydrocarbon-air mixtures under confined (rectangle shock tube tests) conditions. The experimental resit Its show that NT (nitric ether or RONO2) PO (1, 2-epoxypropane), and BPO (benzoyl peroxide) have a clear sensitizing effect on the detonation hazards of these mixtures. Tbe mechanistic influence of additives is simply described, according to the chain reaction theory of detonation.