Hao QY, Hu MB, Cheng XQ, Song WG, Jiang R, Wu QS (2010) Pedestrian flow in a lattice gas model with parallel update. Physical Review E 82(2). [In English]
Web link: ,http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevE.82.026113
social force model, jamming transition, dynamics, bottlenecks
Abstract: This paper studies unidirectional pedestrian flow in a channel using the lattice gas model with parallel update rule. The conflict (i.e., several pedestrians intend to move to the same site) is solved by introducing probabilities as in floor field models. The fundamental diagram (FD) is investigated and it is found that when the drift strength D less than or similar to 0.5, the FD is a concave curve. With the further increase in drift strength, a turning point appears on FD. The empirical findings show that both concave FD and FD with a turning point exist. Thus, the model might be able to reproduce both by tuning drift strength. It is also shown that in the special case D=1, two congested branches exist in the FD. We have carried out mean-field analysis of the FD and the mean-field results are in approximate agreement with simulations when the drift strength D is small. A comparison with random sequential update rule model is also made.